Sam Chamberlain

sam chamberlain

Sam joined the lab in April 2021 as a postdoctoral research associate and will be investigating the structure-function relationship between RIFINs and host immune receptors. Before joining the lab, Sam completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Dr Helen Mott, funded by a BBSRC, AstraZeneca I-CASE award. There, he used NMR to investigate the membrane dynamics of the small GTPase RalA, and its interaction with Calmodulin.

Cornish J, Chamberlain SG, Owen D, Mott HR (2020) Intrinsically disordered proteins and membranes: a marriage of convenience for cell signalling? Biochem Soc Trans. 48 2669-2689.

Chamberlain SG, Gohlke A, Shafiq A, Squires IJ, Owen D, Mott HR (2021) Calmodulin extracts the Ras family protein RalA from lipid bilayers by engagement with two membrane-targeting motifs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118 e2104219118

Sakoguchi, A.Chamberlain, S.G., Mørch, A.M., Harrison, T.E., Dustin, M.L., Arase, H.,Higgins, M.K., Iwanaga S. (2024) RIFINs displayed on malaria-infected erythrocytes bind both KIR2DL1 and KIR2DS1. BioRXIV († equal contribution)